

Messed Up and Messed Around
Learning how to use your story for His glory!
Your ladies will learn how to let God use the good, the bad AND the ugly in their lives to help themselves and others. 

Jumping The Fence
Getting out of your comfort zone!
Have you been afraid to follow your calling? It’s time for us to get off the fence and get busy! Your ladies will learn how to overcome the fears of the unknown and trust in The Lord by using biblical promises.

Behind Enemy Lines
Lies we believe
Has the enemy been holding you back? Have you fallen into the trap of feeling you are useless, not pretty enough, smart enough or strong enough? We will dive into God’s Word and take a closer look at who our Creator says we are and how He has a plan for our lives.

Mission Impossible
All things are possible to those who believe!
Your ladies will join me in unpacking God’s Word and taking a closer look at how God used ordinary people to do extraordinary things! What mission does God have for you?

In Hot Water
Learning to give your troubles to your Father.
Do you feel tired and defeated? Maybe you are looking at your surroundings and see no way out? Denise will use biblical truths to bring hope and healing to your ladies and give them tools to thrive in their everyday situations.

It’s never too late to turn to the Lord.
Denise will use her own testimony as an example of how God took her anger toward Him and turned it into joy and love for her Savior. She will share how God stopped her in her tracks and turned her life completely around.She will also challenge your ladies to stop running and kneel!

Over And Out
Learning to forgive
Denise will talk about the effects of unforgiveness and the hold it has on our lives.We will learn how forgiveness is the key to freedom! Forgiving someone is not saying that what they did was ok, it’s saying that the offender will no longer have power over them.

2 Stepping
As Christians we need to rise up and commit all our ways to The Lord!
It’s time to stop playing church and dancing around the hard issues in life! Denise will talk about the importance of standing up for our beliefs in our everyday activities.  

Living your best life no matter what!
Denise will discuss how to stay Kingdom minded in a worldly environment. During everyday struggles we will learn how to thrive and live in joy!

In all of Denise’s talks your ladies will learn biblical truths. They will laugh uncontrollably one minute and cry the next! Denise knows how to interact with her audience and bring them in. Your ladies will leave feeling strengthened and encouraged!